Monday, September 14, 2015

On My Way Back

It's been a while since I've posted on this blog. The other one is a little easier to maintain. This one has been changed often and I have considered changing it again, but not today.

Sometimes it's hard to think back to the young, happy times. But there are moments when I want to close my eyes and remember those times. Today I'm thinking about what was happening in our lives 20 years ago. I'm thinking about the people we were and the attitude we had about life. Bill and I were both cheerful and filled with passion. That's why we liked each other. We had loads of fun together. In fact, that fun spirit is what defined our relationship.

I miss the people we were. At 25, I was young and healthy and active and looking forward to all the amazing things life would present. I would never want to go back to that age and relive this very difficult life, but right now I would like to bring some of the energy and enthusiasm for life I had then back to me now. Why should joy leave us in middle age? Why do the cares of this world and the troubles of life weigh me down and suck me dry of that joy?

My husband and kids deserve to see me happy. They need me happy. And no matter what is happening in my life, I can choose to be happier. I can choose to see the positive like I did in my 20s. My sour attitude about the problems we've faced has influenced my husband and my kids. Shame on me! They all feed on my emotions. So, today I'm making a decision to change myself. I will keep the wisdom I've gained from my painful moments, but I will reload the youthful zeal for life I once had.

Look out world, I'm coming back!

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