Tuesday, March 1, 2016

My Favorite Things - Boots

This post will be a series. Today I'll start with the boots. I took this photo of my feet Saturday afternoon after we had been volunteering at a swim meet all day. Our plan was to head to the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo BBQ Cook Off. A friend and former co-worker of Bill's invites us every year and he really does make some seriously amazing BBQ. Especially his spicy homemade sauce.

But turns out, Bill and I were just plum tuckered. I did get all dressed up for it, but in the end, we stayed home and made fish tacos. And we needed to be home to work out some of our woes.

The boots, though. Ah, Texas. Deep in my heart, I'm a Texas girl. I would rather be a Colorado girl, but no matter what happens in my life, I was raised in the heart of Texas. Deep East Texas was my childhood home with red dirt, rolling hills and thick Pine trees. In my home town of Nacogdoches we had brick roads in the town square. As a child, I got to go hay baling and horseback riding in the woods. In high school, our parties happened at deer leases. I learned the Texas Two Step when I was a little girl (in fact, it was a requirement for P.E. credit in my school). I grew up on Tex Mex (it's funny that so many people think Texans are consumed with BBQ when in fact, Tex Mex is our "National Cuisine"). I say the word "y'all" with great pride. I know that you are supposed to say "m'am and sir" after the words "yes" and "no".

When I'm wearing my boots, I feel like the girl I used to be. I'm reminded of the decent country folk I grew up around and I feel thankful. From this 7th generation Texan, here's wishing y'all a happy Tuesday.

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