Monday, October 27, 2014

Two Things

It was a pretty rough day, but it ended in the best way imaginable. All four of us were in bed together talking and laughing. This was something I used to think would stop when Morgan and Dylan became teenagers. It definitely doesn't happen a lot anymore, but when it does, I love it.

I love hearing about their day. Since they were little, I've had this "game". At the end of the day I will tell everyone to say two things they liked about the day. It doesn't have to be their favorite two things. It doesn't have to be anything big. Just two things about the day that they liked. 

The point in it is to remind us that even if you have a really bad day, if you can at least find two things you liked, you can be thankful. Tonight Dylan's two things were the quesadillas for dinner and the second helping of quesadillas. Morgan's were the math tutoring session and a "bonding" experience she had with a friend over a book.

My two things on this difficult day were the grande chai latte this morning and the whole family hanging out in my bed talking. It's the simple things in life that mean the most. I don't need to live in this big house to be happy. I don't need nice clothes and expensive jewelry. I don't need anything but my family and nights like tonight.

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