Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Addy Grace
Wednesday, December 30, 2015 at 7:20 a.m. in The Woodlands…
For the past few days, I have logged onto Facebook more than ever before and searched for "Amy Krack Burton". Each time I’m hoping for an update on a precious baby girl I’ve never met. This tiny girl, created by our Almighty God, has already changed my life over the past several months. Because of Adalyn Grace Brown, I have grown closer to Jesus. Her parents’ faithfulness has profoundly touched my heart and through this young couple, I have grown in my own faith.
I do not at all understand the complexities of the Lord. He is too big and I am just way too small. What I do know is that God made Addy Grace for a reason. With God, there are no mistakes. She is a child who was born to Micah and Jessica for a purpose greater than they may ever comprehend. Her life was entrusted to these two people. When others might have been tempted to end a life, these two knew that their baby's life was precious and they have loved her since they knew she was conceived. Their love for their daughter has reminded me of the love that God has for His children. And nothing can separate us from that love.
If I could bottle up all the tears I have shed while I have prayed for this child and her parents, I would fill up all those Mason jars in my kitchen. My daddy used to tell me that when we don’t know what to pray, the Holy Spirit prays for us and that God sees our tears as prayers. So, I’m thinking that my tears and the tears of so many others have flooded Heaven over these past several months.
But it wasn’t just tears. It was worship. It was feeling a depth of compassion and love from the Lord. That was the interesting part. How is it possible that a baby before she was even born could bring so many of us so much closer to God? We have entered His throne room and have cried out to Him. We have learned from a young married couple that faith in God does not depend on our circumstances, but on His great love for us.
In honor of Jessica, a young woman whose heart has forever changed me, I am going to have a piece of jewelry made that says “She Laughs”. Jessica taught me to laugh without fear of the future.
Speaking of the future, we will all be together very soon. Our Lord will return. He will rescue us all from the darkness of this world. We will all celebrate for eternity. I will have the pleasure of dancing with Addy Grace and thanking her for giving me the great gift of knowing Jesus a little better.
Dear Jessica & Micah,
Thank you for sharing your faith with us. Thank you for sharing your beautiful daughter with us. Thank you for honoring our Father in Heaven and for winning souls to Christ through your painful suffering. May the Lord Jesus bless you all the days you live on this planet.
Love from The Woodlands, Texas
Dana-Susan Crews
*to know more about Adalyn and her parents, please read their blog HERE.
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